
Please chose the skills that you want to improve.


Q. How can I communicate with parents who speak a language other than English.
Recommendation: Show parents how their children learn, invite other people to translate/interpret, make sure the parents are paying attention while talking.
• Invite parents to the classroom to see their child’s work. Then, you can have a chance to talk with them about their child’s learning. Do speak slowly during communication. Record your conversation if parents feel comfortable.
• List the major points that you would like to share with the parents. Then, you can ask your co-workers to translate these points into parents’ native language prior to the meeting with parents.
• Invite a co-worker who may know the parents and can be a translator during your conversation.
• To get parents’ attention, the conversation should be brief and to the point. Plan and practice what you want your message to be no matter what questions the parents may ask. AVOID using educational jargon (e.g., ESL or EL), as parents might not know what they stand for.

1. One-way Communication:
Q. What is one-way communication and how to use it for better communication with parents?
Recommendation: Use learning portfolio, report students’ learning progress, use school-to-home notebooks and use report card.
• Student’s learning portfolio: Contain students’ work and assignments. Include a cover sheet (preferably in parent’s native language) listing your positive comments and suggestions that you want to share. Invite parents to response. Schedule a face-to-face meeting when necessary.
• Send parents a communication folder containing their child’s work bi-weekly or monthly for review and comment. Include a cover sheet (preferably in parent’s native language) listing major points in the folder that you want to share.
• School-to-home notebooks: Balance good and bad news. Use titles (such as Mr., Mrs., Ms.) to show respect. Invite parents to respond. Schedule a face-to-face meeting when necessary.
• Report card. Provide information about student strengths and learning style, specific goals for students to work on. Invite parents to respond. Schedule a face-to-face meeting when necessary.

Q. What is two-way communication and how to use it for better communication with parents?
Recommendation: communicate with parents through phone call, organize parent-teacher conference and make use of record in communication.
•Phone call. Share with parents about their child’s extracurricular activities and school performance. Don’t forget to recognize students’ good performance. Keep calls brief and leave messages if necessary.
• Parent-teacher conference: Select appropriate time and location, start with a friendly comment and inform of student’s progress and positive aspects of performance. Make sure to summarize and plan recommendation.
• Recorder: Record information that you want to share with parents. Keep it short and brief. Also, ask parents to record their feedback through the recorder.


Q. How to engage parents in school activities?
Recommendation: Encourage parents to participate school activities and assist parents to help their child’s homework.
• Provide parents with weekly newsletters and opportunities to volunteer in their child’s classroom.
• Provide “Reading with Your Children” support for parents. Invite them to read/share a book in classroom. Let them know that you count on them for their help and that they are valued as part of our school family.
• Create a homework facebook page for parents. On the facebook page, provide information that can help parents easily identify assignments, due dates, and ways to get help with homework questions.
• Offer recordings of short videos (hosted online). These videos can help students receive assistance with homework and projects. Many times parents just need a little understanding to be able to help their children learn at home and complete homework. At times, parents my not be clear on how things are taught, what the expectations are, etc. Moreover, a short explanation video might be the best way to help parents feel confident that they can support their children to complete their homework.

Q. How to encourage parents to connect with their child?
Recommendations: Encourage parent-child communication and parent to assist with their child.
• Encourage parents to communicate with their children about the expectations and values they hold when it comes to education.
• Encourage parents to help their child make connections between the school work they are doing and the aspirations they have for the future.
• Encourage parents to help their children exercise decision-making and problem-solving skills as they relate to things that happen at school.

Q. How to use facebook for parents to help with their child’s homework?
Recommendations: Create a FaceBook page that teachers can interact with parents.
• Create a homework facebook page for parents. On the facebook page, provide information that can help parents easily identify assignments, due dates, and ways to get help with homework questions (e.g., Youtube videos and suggested books).

Hill, N. & Tyson, D. (2009). Parental involvement in middle school: A meta-analytic assessment of eh strategies that promote achievement. Developmental Psychology. 45(3) 740-763.

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